Schedule .

Project LaunchFebruary 9
Interest CheckFebruary 13 - March 5
Contributor ApplicationsMarch 20 - April 23
Results SentMay 3
Acceptance DeadlineMay 7
Pitches CheckMay 10
Pitches AcceptedMay 17
1st Check-InJune 10
2nd Check-InJune 30
Final SubmissionJuly 22
Pre-OrdersLate September

Frequently asked questions .

QWhat is a zine?
AA zine, or fanzine, is a term used to describe a collection of creative fan works (ranging from fanfiction to fan artwork) displayed in a booklet or magazine-like format by individual contributors.
QWhat are the zine’s specifications?
AThe zine will be in B5 size and perfect-bound with full colour. All content in this project will be SFW (PG-13).
QWhat is the theme of this zine?
AThis zine will focus on our beloved Nilou, Zubayr Theatre’s Twirling Lotus. We welcome any AUs our contributors have in mind, so long as it’s SFW (PG-13).
QHow will contributors be compensated?
AAfter meeting production and shipping costs, profits will be distributed evenly to all contributors and moderators. All consultants and contributors are guaranteed to receive a PDF copy of the zine. Free full or customized bundles will depend entirely on our sales.
QWill the team have culture consultants?
AYes! We will have culture consultants to make sure every work made by our contributors stays accurate, relevant, and non-offensive to Persians (the culture we believe Nilou’s character is based on). They will also provide us with knowledge and references for our contributors.
QWill the zine feature ships?
ASince this zine mainly focuses on Nilou, we will not be allowing explicit ships. However, friendships are allowed but Nilou must be the main subject/centerpiece.
QHow many contributors will be accepted?
AThis will be updated depending on the results of our interest check. We will be looking for 20-25 artists, 4 prose writers, 3 poets, and 2-3 merch artists along with 7 guests to join our group of Nilou fans. These numbers may be subject to change depending on the interest check results.
QCan anyone apply to be a contributor?
AYes, so long as you meet the age requirement and follow the application guidelines. Ship preferences will not be taken into account when judging applications. — This zine will not accept anyone who supports or participates in NFTs/AI art. We also do not condone any sort of harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. — We ask that anyone with a history of harassment (even over ship preferences) or support of NFTs/AI art to kindly refrain from applying.
QWill there be international shipping?
AYes, though this is impacted by circumstances regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and political situations occurring across the globe. We welcome anyone with experience to host group orders for their country. Email us, and we’ll help you with the process!
QI have other questions.
AYou can definitely reach out to us and ask your questions over at our Retrospring!

Backstage Crew .

— Organization, Graphics, & Social Media

— General Mod & Beta

— Production & Finance

— Shipping

— Formatting

— Culture Consultant

— Culture Consultant

Contributor Expectations .

Once all application results have been sent via email, accepted contributors have 5 days to respond. If there is no response, their spot will be given to a pinch hitter.Contributors are expected to have a Discord (main mode of communication) and will be invited to the zine server.All submitted works should be original, and created for this zine specifically. Plagiarism/tracing will not be tolerated.Contributors retain the rights to their works and may re-distribute them, but only after pre-orders close. They are prohibited from sharing any unauthorized WIPs during the process.


  • The main focus should be Nilou. We welcome any AUs our contributors have in mind, so long as it’s SFW (PG-13).


  • Page Artists will be expected to create their choice of either a portrait, spread, or comic illustration.

  • Merch Artists will be expected to create 3 merch pieces.

  • Fic Writers will be expected to write one piece of prose with a word count range of 1k - 2k.

  • Poetry & Prose Writers will be expected to write 1 - 2 of the following: poems, letters, and journal-style prose.